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All you need to know about computer security hacking

All you need to know about computer security hacking

While technology is one of the greatest inventions for communication and information, there is also a downfall to these benefits. When using technological devices to browse online, your device is at risk from threats and other cyber security issues. Cyber attacks could cost businesses alone between £75,000 to £2 million dependant on the size of the company and the type of issues which arise out of cyber threats, therefore ensuring you have optimum security for your device is essential.

Here are a few reasons on the importance of cyber security:

1. Privacy

If there are no security measures put in place on your deice, you could be at risk of having private messages, information and data viewed and stolen by external sources. Intrusion can occur in a number of ways and can also be carried out for a number of reasons - most likely for fraud. Ensure your devices are backed up with the necessary security so you aren’t at risk from suspicious and fraudulent activity.

2. Identity theft

Due to the rise of online shopping, details are exchanged without thought. You often need to enter your bank details or credit card information which may be sent over to insecure sites and used to steal identities. Without the necessary security in place, these details could have serious effects on your private and business life. Details may be used for fraudulent action such as taking out loans or buying items on your credit card, meaning your savings could be withdrawn without you even knowing. Using your identity for fraudulent purposes is a highly common issue which needs to be prevented. Such activity may be irreversible in the long term, so always make sure you have high levels of security in place to assure that you are covered.

3. Theft of data

Likewise, if you store photos, videos and other forms of media on your device, these files may also be at risk of being stolen. One of the most severe cases may be that your private data is sold on and used for advertising purposes etc. or again, used for fraudulent crime. Protecting your private files with the necessary security as soon as possible would be most beneficial.

4. Viruses and internal damage

Another important reason to maintain security levels on your device could also be down to hackers installing malicious threats onto your device. Not only can your private details get stolen, but hackers may also leave your device completely inoperable, and having to pay hundreds of pounds in order to gain a system reset and repair. Email systems may become tampered with, so your contacts may even receive viruses sent through to their inboxes from your email. Devices may also be used to operate criminal activity, with a loop of other fraudulent devices, meaning you are left responsible.

5. Business

If you run a business, you need to ensure that your files and private customer data is safe from hacking. The breach of security could mean your business may fail, if clients feel their data has been accessed by outsiders. 

How can you maintain good security levels for your devices?

1. Set stronger passwords

Strong passwords would be extremely useful in monitoring the level of security for your devices, especially in business environments where many employees can also hack into systems. Security threats are more common externally rather than internally, but it is always good to have procedures put in place to prevent any hacks.

2. Anti-virus software

Viruses, as previously mentioned can become evident on your device through hacking and accessing unreliable web pages. To catch any viruses before they encrypt your device, run security scans regularly to prevent your system crashing and any private information being stolen. Anti virus data should be able to keep up with new and innovative viruses, which could cause the most damage. Without software to take care of these instances, you are putting yourself at higher levels of risk.

3. Setting limits

In a business environment, if transactions must be made, it may be worth setting a limit of how much can be transferred to prevent hackers taking out loans or spending large sums of money. 

4. Risk assessment

If you believe you would like to have a deeper insight into security methods for your business or personal device, it may be worth conducting a risk assessment to see how you could improve your security methods. Understand which data is most at risk and work out how you can protect your data and information from getting stolen or being used for identity purposes. 

If you would like to find out more about cyber security and privacy, please contact us at www.1stCallDetectives.com to learn more. We have a new encryption certificate on our site as we highly value customer privacy, security and discretion.

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